Average Fuel Consumption Calculator: Savings on the Road

Vehicle Efficiency and Economy

The fuel efficiency calculator is a tool that allows you to assess how much fuel your vehicle consumes over a specified distance. This value is significant not only from a financial savings perspective but also for ecology, enabling a conscious approach to resource usage.

To calculate average fuel consumption, we divide the amount of fuel used by the distance traveled. This simple measurement can provide valuable information about the vehicle's efficiency and environmental impact.

  • Below 5 liters/100 km - Very economical
  • 5 - 7.99 liters/100 km - Economical
  • 8 - 11.99 liters/100 km - Average
  • 12 - 15.99 liters/100 km - Fuel-thirsty
  • Above 16 liters/100 km - Very fuel-thirsty

Online Average Fuel Consumption Calculator

The fuel consumption calculator allows everyone to quickly and conveniently estimate how efficiently fuel is being utilized. This is a significant tool that can help in decision-making regarding driving style, influencing both the wallet and the environment. Economical fuel consumption also impacts the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

What is the fuel efficiency index?

The fuel efficiency index is crucial for assessing a vehicle's impact on the environment. Lower fuel consumption means lower greenhouse gas emissions and a reduction in negative climate impact. By choosing a more economical vehicle or adjusting driving style, we can collectively care for our planet.


The fuel efficiency calculator provides a general assessment of efficiency but does not consider all factors. Weather conditions, road conditions, and driving style can affect actual fuel consumption. Additionally, hybrid and electric vehicles are not evaluated by this calculator.

How can we help you?

  • Fuel savings
  • Reducing environmental impact
  • Improving vehicle efficiency